Did you know we can now accept donations online
Your support can improve the lives of children with a physical disability. All donations to Wheeling & Able over $2.00 are tax-deductible. We are truly grateful for your support!
Your support can improve the lives of children with a physical disability. All donations to Wheeling & Able over $2.00 are tax-deductible. We are truly grateful for your support!
We’re excited to introduce you to WandA, our new mascot. If you love WandA as much as we do, check out her creator’s Facebook page, @Kerri Blades Visual Art. A big, heartfelt THANKYOU to Kerri for bringing WandA to life for us!
Did you know that we sell merchandise? Natalie Roser is an Australian fashion model and good friend of Wheeling & Able and here she is showing off her beanie to her Instagram followers. Thanks Nat! Check out our merchandise here.
We hope you like the look and feel of our new website! A primary goal of the refresh was to make the process of submitting an application for funding easier. Another new feature of the site is the ability to support us by making a (secure) donation online and/or purchasing merchandise.